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We know it can be intimidating going to a new church you know nothing about, but we are here to help you. 





When should I arrive?​

There's only one service, at 11 am, but we'd love if you could come sooner so we could know you a little



What should I wear?​

We like decency and modesty.

We try not to place restrictions on the type of clothes you should wear.

Worship with us in the style that represent you and honor God. 



Where would the kids stay?​

During church, children will attend Sunday school, where they learn from the Bible in a way they understand.


Where will I stay?​

At the entrance, you'll find someone ready and eager to shake your hand, answer questions and help you find a seat in church. 


Our Mission


We know that God's love is keeping us together and strong, encouraging each other in faith. We are determined to let the world know Him and make an impact in our generation. The core of our effort is to honor Christ and bring Him glory throughout our lives.


Agape Church Dallas Fort Worth

940 S. Carroll Ave., Southlake TX 76092


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